A totally different
version of a Setchell Carlson Jet
Welcome the Export Version of the
Setchell Carlson Jet model 5130 Chassis #513A
The erroneous 375 listed by Mark Stein in his Stein Books is really the
serial number of his radio.
Correct for Mark Stein's radio would be. Model 5803 Chassis 58A serial
number 375 AM Band only
AM broadcast
band only which is a 6 tube radio model 5803 with 58A chassis
AM / FM Broadcast + FM band which is a 9 tube model 5110 with chassis
AM / SW2 Broadcast plus TWO Short Wave Bands model 5130 chassis 513A
The AM + 2 Short Wave band model the bands are all listed in Metres
rather than Khz and Mhz
Band 1 Broadcast band 565 meters to 200 meters equals 530khz to 1500khz
Band 2 low short wave 145 meters to 45 meters equals 2 Mhz to 6.5
Band 3 short wave 15M to 50M equals 20Mhz to 6mhz
Some very nice pictures of this Setchell Carlson Jet 5803 chassis 58A
shown on this page from RadioAttic
Radioattic Jet
6 tube AM broadcast only
And then we also have the AM / FM version of the radio with 9 tubes
model 5110 chassis 511A
schematic of 9 tube AM / FM Jet
Yes the cabinet came in more than one type of wood and finish.
Mahogany and Blonde In the Advertisement for these Export AM + 2 short
wave radios you see
model number 5130B and 5130M depending on whether you wanted the
Mahogany or
Blonde cabinet.
There were NO References to this AM + 2 Short Wave model 5130 until I
found and posted information
that this model did exist. (Thank You Rodney for finding the
advertisement shown below)
So far none of us have found a schematic for this Export Version 5130
anyone finds some information on this
Setchell Carlson Jet please send me an email with the information.
Email to me is K9UWA@ARRL.NET
Finally we have some documetation and reference for the Export Jet. But
no Schematic or service information.
The Chassis design is somewhat unique. Notice the 9 coil covers in
groups of 3 front to rear. The two on the rear right are
the normal 2 IF coils.
The 9 group is separate for each of the three bands. Ant coil, Detector
coil, Oscillator coil.
And yes the radio plays very well for a 6 tube AM/SW radio.
Some pictures of this Jet
First the cabinet is a bit rough but Jean assures me it will be just
fine when she is done with it.
Next a front view of the chassis from this 3 band Jet

The nine cans in the middle have in them Antenna coil Detector coil and
Oscillator coil for each of the three bands.
Notice the Dial showing only bands 1 2 & 3 each shown
in meters and on the right side the S/C emblem.
And here is the curled up plastic dial cover

If you do comparisons of this dial cover vs the AM only and AM / FM
versions the Left control on this one is
labeled Off and Volume where on the others the left control is volume
only. On this radio the Tone Switch is labeled TONE and has High
Medium and Bass. Where the tone switch on the other versions also has
the ON switch with the tone selections. This one for band just says
BAND and 1 2 3 thats all.
The bandswitch on the AM and AM/FM version has a positoin on it for
"Phono" No Phono connectors on this chassis.
Next picture is a rear view of this chassis.

No Phono connections on this radio. It has and A and a G terminals for
Antenna and Ground.
And on the right that different looking plug says VOLTS 210 to 250 and
50/60 cycles AC
Yes the power transformer has additional primary winding tap for that
110 to 250 volt AC
rather than what is used here in the USA 120 vac
As to the circuitry in this chassis vs the BC band only version.
Tube lineup of BC only radio 6BA6, 6BE6, 6BA6, 6AT6, 6V6, 6X5
Tube lineup of this 3 band Jet 6BA6, 6BE6, 6BA6, 6AT6, 6V6, 6X4
Am I ever glad they deep sixed that lousy 6X5 tube in favor of the 7
pin mini 6X4 they don't
have the failure problems known to exist of 6X5 radios.
Other differences in the circuitry.
The Tone Switch is much simpler and so is the tone control circuitry.
The Bandswitch is yes much more complicated due to 3 totally separate
coils for each
of the three bands. The rest of the circuitry is nearly the same as the
BC band
only radio.
The History of this radio. I bought it from a seller in Lafayette IN.
In discussion with him he said
he purchased the radio from Canada which makes sense with the Meters
and Multi voltage
power transformer. However it is very strange that Setchell Carlson
never documented this
version of the radio by making schematics and a model number available
to all the usual service facilities.
And nothing so far found in any radio magazines or other places that
this model of the
Setchell Carlson Jet existed.
Cross out that last statement. The following picture is Page 191 of the
December 1953 Radio News Magazine. It shows an AD
from Concord in their 1954 catalog they are discounting the Export
Setchell Carlson Jet model 5130 from $99.95
down to a clearout special of $29.95 Available in either Mahogany or
I am sure that in time I will be adding additional information to this
John Jean and Baby Strat the Fat Cat
Dialcover has arrived from RadioDaze
cabinet reassembled and almost finished
Finally the radio is assembled.
It will be a few months before we can put the feet back onto the radio.
more updates.
John k9uwa