Shed Inventory

left to right on picture... Zenith 1942 10s669, Philco 41-280 or something close to
that, Philco 40-200 and it is gone... the Zenith 6s52 on top is still here Zenith 1/2 round chaqirside 6s340,
under it an RCA 19K I think.. see next picture for the two beyond the RCA...
upper right Zenith 6s254 empty cabinet very rough
under it an early PHilco... bottom right corner is a Zenith 8s463 cabinet.. whole radio is around

back corner under the chassis pile is a Zenith 6s152 and beyond it is a Silvertone Teledial there is a separate picture of it later on this page...

Grunow 1191 and to the right of it an Airline model 93BR-714A... below it is a 12 tube Zenith 12h670 Newport
The philco under the Grunow is gone...

nice older RCA top left... next to it a sloped front Philco 38-7 or something like that..

Zenith 8s463 empty cabinet... and to the rigt rear is another one same
model.... guts are around here someplace for both radios...


GE Model H-77 complete console....


Philco model #96 lowboy missing one knob....all very restorable....

Philco 38-7 hums so transformer and speaker are both working..
wood is good on this cabinet.....this one will restore nicely.......


RCA 19K .. I have a bezel for it around here someplace.....maybe still
short on knobs and pushbuttons.......... other than that its complete....

RCA model K-105 didn't notice it on the radio....but in the picture it
looks like a break in the veneer .....upper left corner........
The Dial glass is broken in the lower left corner..........


Silvertone Tele-Dial Console......unique rolling bandswitch and dial
assembly on this one.......complete console with Eye Tube....this could
be a nice one..........


Zenith 6s340 Chairside ....missing dial glass and speaker.....and I have to have a couple of those
little metal tabs for the PB tuning holes for another one....sorry....

Zenith 6s52 Complete other than missing knobs

Zenith 7s53 complete.........has one piece of veneer missing
on the front.........other than that the rest of the cabinet is